Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Traffic Widget in Android ICS

Google Maps has taken a major change by adding live traffic updates, though it is not supported in all places but the places at which it has been supporting is being used by many to know traffic at particular location while planning their travel. Open and select traffic view by moving your cursor on default map display view then select Traffic, after zooming maps it looks as below

Traffic View of Google Maps

Android latest version 4.0 formally known as Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS)  has gained an immense priority from its availability  in all latest mobiles from Google Nexus S, HTC ONE series till now Samsung Galaxy SIII. 

Is there any relation between these two?? Yes, Now you can know the traffic at any place on ICS supported phones with a simple widget, which can be easily done by following steps:

> Long press on your Android OS phone(Samsung Galaxy SIII, HTC One Series, Samsung Nexus S etc)
> Click on Widget  and it display a list of all available widgets on your phone
> Scroll down to Traffic and click it
>In name field for your widget for example(trafficdallas)
> In enter destination field enter the place where you want see traffic(eg dallas)  and click on save 
> Give some time(normally 10 seconds) for the widget to sync with google maps and update the traffic at the specified location 
> If traffic at specified place is available then you can see widget as 
Traffic widget
> if you see any warning symbol instead of any color then please check the place again

That's it!! Now on your phone tap you can see traffic status at particular location, isn't it handy? 

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